
Jun 09, 2011 23:33

 Title: Artie notices Sam
Pairing: One sided Sartie and Kum
Summary: Artie likes Sam, Sam likes someone else

When Sam's upset he presses his lips together in a pout and his green eyes travel to the floor. I've seen this expression far too many times since I met the blonde. I can remember his face when Kurt duetted alone, his watery eyes after his break up with Quinn, the way he was almost struggling to keep tears at bay when Santana announced she was with Dave. The worst was that day in the choir room when everyone was accusing him of being a liar and a cheat. Finn of all people had the nerve to judge him, when it was Finn who stole his girlfriend. That's the saddest I've seen Sam. The room fell silent after he left and then Kurt finally stood up and followed him, shooting us all a glare as he stormed out.

I've seen him looking sad while he looks at Kurt. His eyes growing wide as they burn into the back of the brunettes head. When Kurt's boyfriend performed that goodbye song to him on the steps, Sam looked so lost and so lonely.

Sam has a short temper. Sometimes he can snap and say things he doesn't mean, sometimes I notice he's clenching his fists at his side. Every single time Dave Karofsky is near him, I notice his fists ball up, like he's guarding himself. His eyes can somehow appear darker when he's pissed off about something and they stare, they just don't blink. The angriest I've ever seen Sam was on that day he fought Karofsky. He was wild, he threw himself at the footballer like some kind of animal, but he was silent and me and Mike admitted afterwards that we were both a little bit scared.

Everyone said that he did that for Kurt. I had a split second of thinking it was for me, as he only lashed out after Karofsky had pushed me out of my wheelchair. That was stupid though, of course it was for Kurt.

Sam has so many smiles. When he's nervous or unsure, only one side of his lips turn up, dimple appearing on his cheek and eyes crinkling. Then there's his genuine smile, the one where he'll open his mouth and show teeth and for a few seconds forget how self conscious he feels about his mouth. I see more of the former recently, if he's even smiling at all.

He has a smile for Kurt. I never notice it being used on any one else. His eyes literally shine when he's looking at Kurt and the smile he reserves for him covers his whole face.

I notice everything Sam does. Sam notices everything Kurt does. Kurt's in love with Blaine. Life can be so fucking cruel that sometimes all you can do is laugh about it.

We sat in the choir room at lunch and Sam told me everything that I already knew about his feelings for Kurt. I told him that I know exactly how it feels to love someone who doesn't feel the same. As I said it, my ex girlfriend walked into the room and Sam patted my shoulder sympathetically.

He thought I meant Tina, despite the fact my eyes never left his.

sartie, sam, artie

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