Fantasy Skating

Oct 16, 2010 16:54

I have been stuck on my computer for hours while getting tech support for a virus ;_;

So, being bored, I decided to join the Fantasy Skating game on ontd_skating.

Here are my picks, go Team "Viacheslav-Approved" <3

Men: Daisuke Takahashi, Adrien Schultheiss, Florent Amodio
Ladies: Mao Asada, Ksenia Makarova, Alex Gilles
Pairs: Aliona Savchenko/Robin Szolkowy, Zhang Yue/Wang Lei, Katarina Gerboldt/Alexander Enbert
Ice Dance: Meryl Davis/Charlie White, Elena Ilinykh / Nikita Katsalapov, Cathy Reed / Chris Reed

Well if Yue/Lei don't pick up one of the spots left open by Zhang/Zhang in the Chinese pairs GP rotation my alternates will be Stolbova/Klimov of Russia....
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