Possibilities ???????

Jan 31, 2016 13:27

Despite the ongoing pain and disability caused by my fall in Paris almost four years ago, I'm desperate to travel. When I was first home after that trip, I formed the intention of moving to the UK for a few years in order to be closer to Europe and the Middle East, and be able to explore more of the world. Living in Canada is wonderful, but there is the wide Atlantic to cross every time. A long weekend trip to Amsterdam or Ireland isn't feasible. I have the advantage of being a dual citizen of Canada and the United Kingdom. I'm licensed to practice nursing in the UK. The latter is not so easy to do as it was in the 1980's when I traveled to England to study midwifery, now it's a complex and expensive process.

My health problems have caused me major emotional distress. The loss of ability to do live an active life, read, and create. I can't focus to read or sew. Writing is a struggle. Without distraction I've been wallowing in frustration. I can't see the point of living some days. What is the point of going on if all I do is a few hours of work, then spend the next eighteen hours fighting pain so I can do it all over again the next day?

I'm working with my brother to get the house ready to sell in a few months. It's heartbbreaking to be making it more lovely, knowing I won't be here this time next year. There are aspects of living here that are negative, the isolation, distance from activities, and people who share my interests, but there are other factors that have in the past balanced them.

The reality is that I'm existing in a fraction of the house, unable to garden, only cooking quick meals, my craft room is in view, but beyond my ability, attempts to get stuck into a project end up in pain and frustration. I have completed one gown in the last year, most of the sewing done by hand while reclined on the couch or in bed. Pins can be most painful when lost in the sheets!

Sorry for the self pity. I know there are people who are in far more dire circumstances, unable to walk, see, or have enough money to keep themselves.

This long preamble does have a point. While reading Facebook this am I came across an article about a family who found day to day life a rut. They sold up everything and spent the last year traveling around the UK, next year they are going to Europe. I'm not sure if I will get well enough for emulating their example, but it does give me a goal.

I'd like to spend either several three month periods or a year or two traveling through Europe and the Middle East.

As a single woman over 60, I do have to consider how I will manage when my working days are over. I don't need luxury, but on the other hand, I'd like to have basic comforts and independence when I retire. In my job I see elderly women living in poverty, I don't know if I could bear it. This means that when I sell here I need to find a place to buy that will be sustainable on a minimum income.

In the best possible future some treatment will be found to free me from pain. My finances can be repaired sufficiently to allow me to take an extended trip, while protecting what capital I have for the future.

Now I have a goal, I can refocus on kicking doctors butts to get me better. Finish getting the house in order. Go through all my belongings to declutter so that I'm not lugging around things that tie me down, but not so much, that when I do end my travels I have the tools to keep me occupied and amused.

I'd like to learn more about how people make money blogging as it's a potential form of income to subsidize my travels.

I need to learn French properly, I have a very weak base in the language but it's a toehold that makes it a possibility.

wishes, books, cracked pot. money, rural living, nursing, real life, travel, blogs

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