Apr 02, 2014 08:02
She was still in pain a few hours after coming home, so I gave her more pain meds. This seems to have worked as she settled and slept.
I wonder what dose of pain meds the vet gave. Human doctors vary quite widely in how they manage pain. I had a hard time trying to figure out why the vet kept harping on about how the meds might make her sleepy. Old dogs sleep lots with no pain meds, so why would you be fussed if they slept a bit more?
This morning I found she had moved on her bed, no use of hind legs yet, but at least she feels well enough to move. I gave her some more pain meds and her steroids with some greek yogurt and a cup of tea. Then a sponge bath and a change of bedding.
The end for all of us is inevitable. My thoughts on Brambling are simple, if she improves over the next few days, I'll be very happy. But I know that there is a 50-50 chance that this will not happen. Then I will arrange for her to go onto a new life, maybe find Sophie?