
Jan 11, 2014 23:16

I have to leave the house at 0930 Sunday. Two hour to Toronto, to be there 3 hours before, plus time to park car in long term site. Arrive in Costa Rica after 10 pm. I'm going to be beat.

I'm traveling with a work colleague, Anne. She is looking forward to this trip, very keen to get rid of a partial denture which she hates with a passion.  I'm feeling good about traveling with her. Strange for me, as I usually go alone.

I worked all day. Plans to get home early crashed, literally. I dropped my back up hard drive thing when I took it off the shelf. Broken. So, trip to nearest town to replace it. Trip was made even more special by rain, ice and thick fog. I did score a cute sundress for $15.

The other day I came across, Pack for a Purpose. Local resorts sponsor schools, orphanages, clinics etc. Travelers asked to pack 5 lb of various items, toys, clothes, medical and schools supplies. I picked up some school supplies the other day, sorted through boxes of unused medical supplies (we aren't allowed to restock them), plus a BP cuff and stethoscope I had spare in the house and an electric BP machine and cuff that a drug company gave me. This has all been put in a $7 suitcase from Sally Ann, weighs in at 20lb, don't know how much suitcase weighs, but crayons are heavy. It's not much but the cumulative effect has been found to be substantial.

travel, medical tourism, cracked pot

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