
Dec 11, 2013 21:23

I've found a cleaning lady who doesn't ask to be paid the salary of a Registered Nurse! I don't believe in short-changing those who I hire to do work for me. I refuse to be robbed in this fashion. Chez tudorpot has become disgusting due to my inability to do bugger all for more than a few hours a day. I've been picking at the edges but it's not enough. I can't afford this, but my mental health is fragile. I need all the comfort that I can get.

More good news, my gp has arranged for me to see a neurologist who is renowned for her understanding and research on the effects of concussions. She testified in this very sad case, helping the family to gain compensation. I'm not eligible for any compensation, I'm trying very hard to get back to normal, or as near normal as possible.

I see the ENT specialist next week. Goal is to resolve the dizziness and tinnitus. At times it's like there is a dishwasher in my head. Right now, it's only a very soft tingling, I have hope that it will go away, as there have been brief episodes of quiet.

Brambling is doing better. Far fewer messes in the house. She's still sleeping a lot, when awake she is bouncy, underfoot and mooching.

brambling, rl, cracked pot

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