Because it's not crazy enough here

Oct 13, 2013 21:19

The house is falling down - well not quite, dear brother has shored it up and has repaired half of it. All my clothes are still in a berm on the far wall of the bedroom, now extending towards the door. Soon I won't be able to get out of the bedroom. Front hall and dining room table hold a million screws and nails. Laundry is hanging up on racks in front of the woodstove. Nursing bag is on couch waiting to be sorted.

Good news, kitchen and bathroom aren't a wreck. The craft room is tidy.

The clothing berm is complicated. It's October, the biannual clothing swap must be done. Hot weather clothes for cold weather ones. Why I'm blocked? Because I want to get rid of all the clothes that I don't wear. That requires thought and the occasional trying on. The combination of mental and physical work is putting me off. Until I do, I'm digging through layers as Time Team does. I've been devouring hours of this show on youtube. Great entertainment, I'm trying to decide if I'm lusting after Mick (sadly deceased) or Phil. I love the history, science, comradeship and not taking themselves too seriously. They also enjoy a drink at the end of the day.

The other day I visited one of my colleagues in her home. It was lovely. An eclectic range of furniture has been comfortably arranged, bric a brac and art are tastefully displayed. Soft furnishings and carpets pull all of it together. I was thinking of asking her over, but I'm not happy with the current state of my home. A glimpse of pigwidgeon37 's lovely home added to motivation to create a similar effect here.

I'm not saying that I've neglected my home, in fact, I've been working on it constantly since I moved in 2004. The house has required a lot of work to the structure, inside and out. The lower level took 7 years before it was finished, now it's an income property. If I had an unlimited amount of money, it could have been done faster, however, I'm a single woman with other demands on my purse.

Pondering my living-dining room, decor, I have been unhappy with the cheap, but sturdy Ikea pine glass cabinet that holds my good china and glasses. Acquired some 10+ years ago, it's been waiting patiently to be painted. There is also a lovely desk snagged from the Sally Ann a few years ago for $10. Lovely bones, but it's been painted badly. There are two mid-century danish chairs that need new covers and a little TLC to the arms. Soft furnishings are lacking. Carpets have not been possible for some years due to dear departed Woodruff and Sophie. Brambling is showing some signs of spinal problems, so I don't dare tempt fate by adding carpets.

I have the materials for most of the soft furnishings in my stash, but have been struggling with colours for the cabinet and the open shelf that is in the dining room. As well as the thought of all the prep work necessary. Today, I came across the chalk paint. It's the answer to my prayers. The pine cabinet has a thin clear finish, the open shelf has been painted. Chalk paint doesn't need sanding or stripping of prior finishes. Current trends are white, grey or varying blues. My walls are deep blue and bone white. Blue is out - too much contrast with the walls, white- it would fade into the walls. I'm thinking of a deep, soft brown, Balsamic with the inside painted blue. My white china would show well and the blue interior would be like a flashy coloured silk lining in an otherwise severe neutral jacket. I'm going to try and make my own blue- I have some of the wall colour left and there are several good recipes for chalk paint online. This will save money and give me the colour I want.  For the desk, I'm going with black - it's called Mascara. It's a soft black with some blue it in, I was able to see it on a project in the store today, knew immediately that it was the right colour.

What inspired me to post today was this, I just had to share the folly. Another twee designer who thinks books are just another throw pillow. "...put in backwards to create less visual clutter." PUUULeeeeeeeez

style, books, home, renos, corgis, snark, nonsense

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