Aug 07, 2012 12:13

Just had a call from my propane supplier. My account is in credit over $1,000. I've asked for that to be sent to me asap, as due to working only half days, my paychecks have been much reduced. Also, my monthly payments for propane will be dropped by $100.

This is great news as I have committed to paying for Stevie Ray's next years tuition at Metropolitan Prep. He did so well this year, and it has made a HUGE difference to him. He told his aunt Terry, that he doesn't feel stupid anymore. His report card was amazing, I've scanned and uploaded it as a PDF on Google Docs.

Stevie Ray's father is now on long term disability. The surgery in January was successful in removing the metal from his femur, however the femur bone is not healthy. Some slight improvement in bone density was seen on the last x-ray. However, the knee replacement can't go forward yet, may be another 6-9 months. Meanwhile, he can't work, walking is limited. The outlook is not good, as he has been told that his leg will not bear the strain of his current occupation as a construction millwright. He may have to go back to school for re-training in another occupation.

If we can get Steve Ray through to Grade 10, he might be able to transfer to a publicly funded International Baccalaureate Programme for the last two years. There is no middle year program in a reasonable commuting distance.

I had hoped to start fundraising and seeking individuals or organisations who might help with scholarships,  but my health issues have made this impossible. I'm hoping that the slight improvements noted with the latest course of antibiotics will mean that I will be better soon. By hook or crook, I will pay the tuition. Suggestions, offers of help are welcome. I have a few ideas kicking around:
  • Making and selling fanish things,
  • Requesting sponsers to provide monthly donations equal to a say a cup of fancy coffee, a book, movie admission,
  • Sending out letters to individuals and organisations who support education, youth, cancer survivors.

money, real life, stevie ray, family, stevie ray fund

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