Oct 26, 2011 11:27
Day off - work weekend coming. Lots to do.
Make list of to do things - list for today and list for coming months.
Stuff to do today
Supply orders for patients
Fax reports etc
Schedule for next week
Fill out Septic System App for Health Department
Plot home renos for coming months
Kitchen- clean out fridge
cook chicken - ? thai or something
cook carrots, turnip - wrap in single portions and freeze
clean kitchen -again!!!!
take pics of various objects to list on Kiji- desk, media cabinet
post ads on kiji
SCA A&S documentation write up for Moretum
ditto limp bound book
finish limp bound book
move sage plant, three hostas
tidy up outside some more
garden hoses away for winter
bring in more firewood
dump run??
mixed bag