Gratitude day 2. This post was sitting waiting for me to upload pics, did so on the WE when at internet cafe. Today, I had an email from work, would I take a new patient. Man is dying, 6 months prognosis. Diagnosis Ca esophagus, hx GERD. GERD is not a sexy disease, most people figure a bit of heartburn isn't serious. IT is VERY serious. I am grateful that I did my research and sought a solution. If I hadn't advocated for myself, I would still be suffering. Now my GERD is cured.
I took these pics mid June, about a year after my Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, weight loss surgery. I had the surgery to deal with two serious medical issues, GERD- also known as gastric reflux disease and high blood pressure. During the surgery, a large hiatus hernia was repaired. Before, my stomach could and did move into my chest. Not a good thing.
I've lost 70 pounds. My BMI was 36 when I registered for the surgery, I weighed 230 lbs, am 5 ft, 7 inches. The surgery costs were all covered by the Ontario health program. I only had to pay for parking.
Eating is great. I get hungry but not as much, and I am sated with a small amount. I enjoy treats, ice cream, candy, chocolate and wine, in moderation of course. I'm now a very cheap date. I can and do eat out at restaurants and at friends' homes.
I am so very glad I had this surgery. My energy level has soared. I can buy clothes at all stores. Mind you there are head issues. I look at clothes and say to myself, "That won't fit, it's too small," then I try it on, and sometimes it's too big!
Here two pictures before and after. I did try to smile.