things that go bump in the night

Mar 05, 2011 09:39

About 2 am, there was a big crash, bump. A recent windstorm has left numerous trees, including one on my lot in varying degrees of not 90. ie falling or in the process of falling down. It was not a tree. It was a large sheet of ice-just as dangerous- only a small piece - about 2-3 feet had fallen, but a far larger ice sheet was edging off the roof. It was about 6 inches thick and ran the length of the roof. My outdoor lamp had been hit - thus not working. I groped around in the semi-dark -wearing a coat over PJ's, moving important things out of the way- wheelbarrow, ash can etc. That was all I could do til morning.

I warily let the dogs out to pee- called dear brother and asked him to come and fix it. He did- bless. Thankfully he had a large roof snow rake thing and the rain, higher temperatures had made the ice a bit softer. He was able to break it into 3 foot or so lengths. One year it came down in one huge piece that broke the deck rail.

home, winter, brother is awesome

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