bad dogs!!

Feb 16, 2011 18:15

An hour ago I started to wonder what was different? Dogs were splayed out on their beds in front of the wood stove. mmmm not asking for dinner- they are usually quite vocal starting at about 4:30 pm. I looked about and noted the large bag of dog food was not standing on the dining room table. It was put there until I could get at the big lidded tub, that I usually put the food in, was accessible. The floor of the room where I keep it was just painted and I wanted to wait another day for it to cure. Thought the dining room table was high enough - after all corgies are not tall.I look about and find the empty dog food bag in the kitchen, hole gnawed in the bottom. Container for dog food now on table and full. My Sherlockian deduction- dogs somehow knocked bag off table, brother came and found dogs pigging out- he put the food in the tub.

dogs, brother is awesome

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