73 days and counting

Dec 10, 2010 19:19

... since this reno started.
Good things- windows and walls that don't pour heat outside; wood stove is now safely installed- ie meets government standards, walls are lovely, grout has happened.

Bad things- still lots of tarps covering stuff, pictures and china in my bedroom, no space to do stuff- crafts, sewing; bookcase is behind tarps and furniture. OH, and there are tools everywhere.

Next up new laminate flooring, trim around one door, skirting boards, tile to be put on base of wood stove plinth, a few touch ups of paint, minor electrical. Hopefully, the bulk of this will be done during the upcoming week. I need to paint the skirting boards, pick up a few more tiles to act as skirting board in the tiled area. As I will be in Toronto on Tuesday to see my doctor, that works well.

On Tuesday, I will be dropping by the breeders- Charlie, to pick up either Molly or Spanky. I don't like the name Spanky - was thinking if she is the best match of changing it to something similar- so far all I can think of is Pansy. suggestions??

Dear Patient,
I understand you want to learn how to eat healthier after your massive heart attack. So, why do you blow off all my suggestions and tell me you are doing that already. BTW I'm not blind -- packets of potato chips and other junk food,  new since my last visit, on your kitchen counter- not a good choice. (lives alone)
Oh, and not calling me back to confirm visit that HAD to be before noon,- then calling everyone else at 11 am to tell them you were home- Not a good way to endear your nurse to you. I had to quickly reshuffle all my other patients to meet your needs.  Then to top it off-  the reason was you had friends dropping by. I don't get paid enough to put up with this BS. Somehow, I think you will be able to be discharged next week.

brambling, nursing, home, reno, wtf

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