In the Court of Pendragon 1/?

Aug 03, 2011 18:04

Title: In the Court of Pendragon
Author: tudor_rose445
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Gwen,Morgana, Uther, Merlin, Igraine,Gaius, ArthurxGwen
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: BBC owns "Merlin".
Summary: Glimpses of life in the Pendragon court.
Author’s notes: I mentioned not too long ago that I wished to thank you all for sticking by me with "The Ward" by showing you some snippets of the fic that were not included.  Here is the first.  It won't be something that will be regularly updated, but on occasion I'll throw a drabble up.  Thanks!

Chapter 1: A Winter's Game

“Are you sure that this is a good idea?”

The nine year old princess let out a 'huff' at her friend's endless questioning.

“We won't get caught if that is what you are asking,” she attempted to assure her friend, checking to see if her governess was lurking in her receiving room. Finding Annie to be elsewhere the young girl took the wrapped bundle from Guinevere's arms and stepped out onto the snow strewn balcony. Both girls gazed out to the wintry courtyard below Morgana's chambers where various guards milled about, trying to stay warm in the cold air.

“As soon as we drop them we will duck, so they won't know where the snow came from,”she explained, thinking that her logic was rather clear. Gwen gave her the benefit of the doubt and dutifully unwrapped the fabric in Morgana's hands. There amongst the silk fabric were carefully crafted balls of snow, hidden from both girls' nurses.

The princess took an icy orb into her hand before peeking over the edge of the balcony to the gaggle of knights that had just exited the castle.

“Ready?” she asked, watching as Gwen took one herself.

The two girls dropped the snow onto the knights below, ducking down quickly to avoid the men seeing them. They stifled their giggles into the folds of their cloaks, peeking looks through the stone slats of the balcony.

A few were looking upward in confusion, while one bewildered one had even taken out his sword. After a few moments the group continued on its way, leaving the pair to hesitantly stand once more.

A flash of scarlet capes below them sent them spiraling into action once more.

“Ready?” the princess repeated quietly, prompting the two to release the second wave of snow a second later.

Their giggles stopped immediately, however, when they noticed who in fact they had hit.

Uther, in response to the snow flung at him, had them kept indoors for the remainder of the week and away from any havoc that could be implemented with snow.

rating: pg, fandom: merlin, length: drabble series, fanfiction:au, character: guinevere, character: morgana, character: uther

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