
Oct 02, 2006 22:36

To tide you all over whilst school takes over my life....

Recommend five fics on your journal. Go! They could be any five, or your five all-time favorites, or five recent discoveries. Or if you want, follow the list:

1. A fic with your favorite pairing: Definitely "My Anything" by Eienvine. I absolutely adore this fic; it's Draco/Ginny in the best way possible. It just unfolds gorgeously; every cliche it subscribes to is upended. It's one of the absolute best Draco/Ginny fics I've ever read. I love it.

2. A fic with a pairing you don't usually read: Neville/Lavender. I absolutely never read it, but it was recced by
magic_at_mungos on her LJ, and I just had to check it out, and I have to say I adored it. Soooo, here it is, in all its glory: " sea lavender" by
safillevendredi. Enjoy! It's lovely. (And it's got some smut, but not much. Just so you know.)

3. An old fic: This is a pretty old fic--about a year? Heh. Anyway, it's a huge, long WIP, so it counts, in my head, as an old fic. It's called Adjudication, and is hosted at Skyehawke. It's written by Slytherincess, and it's an amazing, incredibly well-written epic that goes from past to present seamlessly, weaving a gorgeous plot. Plus it's the fic that got me hooked on Ron/Pansy, so I love it just for that.

4. A new fic: Aha! Time to rec one of my all-time favorite writers (formidable title, since she's written only two fics). The lovely
cinnamond_badge is busy at work with a new fic, "Draconis and Ginevra," which is made all the better because I can read in her LJ just how much she's laboring over it. I adore writers who put their all into things, and it's definitely paying off in this fic--it's an excellent and totally smooth adaptation of Romeo and Juliet.

5. A fic by someone you don't know: I have no idea who
gunderpants is, but I happened across this gorgeously written gen fic about a bunch of women from the Harry Potter series and my breath was stolen away. It's captivating; each little grief is in fact huge and terribly sad; they are all beautifully-wrought characters. So, without further ado, " darkness rises from the eastern valleys" by

fanfiction, recs

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