Mexico & Tucson

Dec 24, 2008 04:54

One new thing I learned about Mexico today:
Mr. Garcia said Mexican shoppers coming to Tucson almost always pay in cash and many save money all year for a shopping excursion the week before Christmas. Salaried workers in Mexico also receive a mandatory bonus of at least two weeks’ pay in mid-December that helps fuel a Christmas buying spree that continues through the first week of January until the Mexican holiday of Día de los Tres Reyes on Jan. 6.

Sometimes it seems like Tucsonans focus so much on the down and out border crossers, it's easy to overlook the folks who are having a great life in Mexico!

One new thing I learned about Tucson today:
Jan Howard, marketing director for the Tucson Mall, the most popular destination for Mexican visitors, said Mexican shoppers are helping to keep retail spending “fairly strong” in Tucson. She said, “I think we are weathering the recession a lot better than Phoenix,” which is farther from the border.

From: "Mexican Shoppers Go North, Seeking Bargains" -
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