From the Facebook page...The CEO of Cinemark, Alan Stock, donated $9999 to the Yes on 8 Campaign, but now expects to profit from showing MILK in his theaters. If 1,000 of us commit to see MILK at a competitor's theater instead of Cinemark, at an average cost of $10 per ticket, that's $10,000 of lost revenue.
Boycotts work. A boycott of a Sacramento theatre company resulted not only in the resignation of a Yes on 8 contributor, but a public apology and donation to Human Rights Campaign! We can do this again.
Why *another* boycott against Cinemark?
While we support a complete boycott of Cinemark's properties, not everyone agrees. But what we can ALL agree on is that Cinemark profiting off of Harvey Milk's legacy is an insult to our community, and we cannot support it with our dollars.
Go to
their site, type in your zip code and see what theatres to avoid.