I'm finally here!

Sep 11, 2004 07:44

Noah Tristin Masalko
Wednesday September 8, 2004
6:25 pm
7 lbs 1 oz
20 1/2 inches

mmk sooo I went to the hospital on Tuesday night and I had to stay for the induction...well, it turns out that the whole family birthing center at the hospital was FULL of laboring women. So instead of getting my room at 7:30 when I went in, my mom, sister, tab, blake and I waited until 2:30 am before we finally had a room! They hooked me up to the moniters and gave me an ultrasound to make sure he was head down...then they put in the cervedil and came back in to wake me up at 6:30 when they took it out and I took a shower. ok so sometime during the night I guess my blood pressure shot up to 186/110 and it wasn't going back down with everything they were trying so I had to get tested for a whole bunch of stuff and ended up having toxemia. They were worried that I was going to have a stroke or a seizure so I had to be on Magnesium to make the pressures go down and it ended up slowing down the pitocin which is suppose to make you go into labor. Soo I ended up being in labor for 12 hours. His heart rate kept dropping and it was hard for them to track him so they had to screw this little moniter thing into his head it was so sad because now he has a little scab from it :(. So I ended up pushing for 1 hour 43 minutes and 55 seconds...lol Josh was timing it (he was on the phone the whole time)...and he was just way to big to come out so Dr. Chen had to pull him out with the vaccuum thing on his head. After he was born she told me that it was the hardest delivery she had ever done and she didn't want to tell me at the time but if he wouldn't have FINALLY came out with that contraction, I was headed straight for c-section. So thank God for that sudden burst of energy I had right then! But anyway, when he was born, they took him away to put him in his warmer next to my bed and he wasn't moving, breathing or crying...I started going nuts asking WHY ISN'T HE CRYING?! You could see the look on everyone's face they were all trying to be brave for me and act like they weren't worried. It seemed like forever but he finally started crying and they took him over to see me for like 30 seconds before taking him to the special care nursery to make sure everything was ok. I ended up having to stay in the hospital for the past 3 days because my blood pressures still wouldn't go down even with the Magnesium but the other day they took me off of it and put me on a blood pressure pill that I have to take now for a while... but anyway it worked and I finally got to come home last night. We have to take Noah back into the hospital today for a blood test because he's jaundice but he should be fine. If anything he will just have to stay under one of those lights for a while.

There is so much more to say but I will do it all later... I don't know how anyone has time for this stuff after their babies are born lol. So I'll leave you with these pictures my little brother took the night he was born.

in the special care nursery.

first bath ever! :)

wow does he look like his daddy!! :D
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