(no subject)

Oct 13, 2007 12:06

well, she's napping. and Gina'll be here in 15 minutes, so I have time for a mini update. i keep wanting to write, but by the time we finally get Kaitlyn to bed, all I want to do is go to sleep too!

last night she slept a 7 hour stretch! unfortunately, it was in bed with me. sigh. i fell asleep feeding her and she slept from 2-9. i just need to figure out how to get her to do that IN HER CRIB! cause i really don't want her in bed with us. i love snuggling with her for a little while, but when she's there all night (or most of it) i get terrible sleep. and our queen just isn't big enough for that. Eric ended up sleeping on the couch for a good part of last night because he didn't want to fight for space. and i wake up sore all over from contorting myself around her at night. erg. i love her, but i want her in her CRIB.

i feel like i'm so far behind that i don't even know what to update about anymore. a week or so ago we ordered pizza cause neither of us felt like cooking. um, oops? i learned my lesson about ordering a pizza in a language i don't speak well without reading the menu first. i THOUGHT i was pretty clear about wanting a vegetarian pizza. well, it didn't have any MEAT on it, persay . . . sigh. next time i guess i have to make it clear that i want "nur Gemüse"

wanna know what was on it?

you sure??

my "vegetarian" pizza had tuna, crab (fake, i believe), hard boiled eggs, mussels, and SQUID. i'm not kidding there were 6 or 7 little squids all over my pizza!!! the heads were removed, but other than that they were intact. EEEEEEEEEW!!!

yeah, I'm not ordering pizza without reading a menu anymore. silly Europeans and their pizza toppings. (normally I like European food WAY better than American, but in this case? not so much!)

Kaitlyn and Daddy at the payday lunch

out for a walk with Mommy

Grinny baby

Kaity and mommy

"MY boob!"

we were napping. and Daddy decided to take a picture

Kaitlyn and Josiah

"Dude, what are you doing??"

oh yeah, and yesterday while Kaity was throwing her fit during tummy time - Daisy walked over to check out what was going on. she looked at Kaitlyn, looked at me like "well, do something, she's crying!", looked at Kaitlyn again and then nipped my foot!! i told her No, and tapped her. and she looked at me again, looked very pointedly at Kaitlyn and then jumped on my foot and bit it!!!! Apparently Daisy has decided that if I'm not taking care of Kaitlyn to her standards, she'll let me know! little brat . . .

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