(no subject)

Sep 22, 2007 16:50

i feel like the only thing i ever do here anymore is post pictures of Kaitlyn. mostly cause my life just isn't that interesting lately. i'm horrendously behind on laundry - my goal was to get that done today but i think it'll have to wait until tomorrow. it was just too beautiful outside today! Kaity and i just had to go enjoy our last "Indian summer" weekend.

i did get the grocery shopping done. Kaitlyn passed out after eating so I left her at home with Daddy and i got to go shopping by myself!!! it was great! until i got out to the parking lot. sigh. i was walking to my car and i noticed another car nearby in the lot with kids sitting in the back of it. ALL. BY. THEMSELVES. um, NO? and it may not have been hot today, but it was definitely warm. at least 70 and the parking lot was really sunny. the windows in the backseat weren't rolled down at all - just the front windows! i saw two kids for sure (probably 6-7 years old or so) and i was pretty sure i heard a much younger one crying. who DOES that?!?! i don't care if you're only running in for one thing, you do NOT leave your kids alone in the car in a parking lot! especially on a warm day!! hell, i've called the cops in the past on people who left their dogs in the car in the sun, much less kids!!! (and gotten cursed out at a restaurant for it too - too bad for him i had his plate number) so i called the Commissary and told them and asked that they make an announcement (meanwhile i'm sitting in my car watching this other car - and i was warm with MY window down!) and i saw someone from the Commissary come out and check on the car and the kids and go back in to make an announcement. So i hope whoever it was got their butt handed to them.  it pissed me off.  i'm done ranting now.

so i got home and put groceries away just as Kaitlyn was waking up. she played with daddy for awhile and then started to scream bloody murder. that's her new thing, when she wants something she screams for it instead of just fussing. she did it earlier while i was in the shower too. Eric had her and she was just screaming her head off like someone was hurting her! as soon as i got out i nursed her and she quieted right down and fell asleep. so i'm crossing my fingers that she was just pissed cause she was hungry and that we're not starting the separation anxiety early. cause that means that we need to get some more daddy time in so she doesn't freak out when i leave the room.

and of course i have lots of pictures. my little girl is 3 months old!!!! how did that happen?!?! she's gotten so big already. she's gotta be at least 12 pounds by now - and when i've got her in one arm and i'm trying to pick up something else in the other, i can feel it!

her "3 month" pictures - i'm trying to use the same background each month and making an effort to take the pictures on the exact day

great smile, terrible angle! note to self: next time prop the camera up on a bigger stack of books!

and a few from today. we were hanging out in the backyard getting some sun and fresh air

ignore my pudge. sigh. still got 5-8 pounds of baby weight that just will NOT leave. not to mention the flab.

beautiful baby. i love this one

and finally, tummy time. she HATES it. so it usually only last a few minutes.

"Hi bunny!"

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