Colorado and Quilts

Feb 23, 2006 09:38

It's warming up here in Colorado...I want to go to the zoo tomorrow just for fun. Cory is just clearing this post so he only has to in for PT in the mornings and he gets to have most of the rest of the day off. So we're trying to finish up things and enjoy our last few days here before we have to leave. I'm a little nervous for the trip, this is the biggest move we've made and the farthest from anyone I know that I've ever been. I know we're not the first people to be transfered overseas, but I'm not looking forward to it in some aspects.

Good news though, anyone who wants to come visit me...we'll have a spare room. *nods*

I'm still toying with the idea of flying to England/Ireland for dance lessons. I think it would be an awesome experience and one that I would never have again, but there is the small issue of having to pay for the flights every month on top of paying for lessons from a teacher. I'll have to see once I get there and make the decision then. I won't rush into anything because I don't know what to expect from the schools.

Cory and I made this really cool quilt top out of his desert colored uniforms when we went home for Christmas. His mom said that she would find a material for the back, have it quilted and bind it. She told me later she found a green ripstop for the back fabric and that she would bind it for us. I told her that I wanted to do the binding and was ok with the green. Come to find out, it's green camo on the back. Not at all what I wanted, I'm disappointed, but what can I do now...she lied to me, that's the thing that annoys me. Grrrrr!
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