
Feb 29, 2004 14:52

I would first like to point out my two lj cuts and the underlining...I may get this puter thing figured out sooner or later.

create your own personalized map of the USA
or write about it on the open travel guide

Got in this morning, I'm sick and tired and I need sleep. I've been coughing all day and couldn't stop coughing last night.

The Feis went ok. Like I said, I've had a cold since Tuesday of last week, so I haven't been able to breathe totally since then. Practices all week went awfully, I wasn't able to get through my hornpipe without wanting to fall over. I was so worried that it would affect the way I would compete. I tried to practice hard anyway and stay calm...Ha! Me calm? There's a funny thought. Anyway, I tried to take a few cold pills (the non-drowsy kind) over the weekend to clear out my sinuses, and Saturday Sarah and I both did this aromatherapy treatment thing to try and feel better (she's sick too). The thing with championships are that you have to wait all day long to dance for under 5 minutes. It's a whole mental game, it really is. All day I kept trying to convince Amy and Sarah that 45% of competing is your attitude, poise and presentation. You can be a mediocre dancer and still win because you intimidate the other dancers. I'm proof of that, I'm not the best dancer in the world, but if you play that mental game with the other dancers you can get an extra edge there. They are both excellent dancers but they totally lack any confidence in themselves. This time I kind of felt like I was the pot calling the kettle black. I had zero confidence this time. I usually do in unknown situations. Anyway, I tried warming up a little, but honestly, I couldn't breathe, I'd get through one step of my hornpipe and be gasping for breath. Sarah and I were dancing at the same time in two different competitions (I'm prelim, she's open) and we both were so worried.

My reel went alright, I guess, I wasn't placed high at all, but I didn't do anything fabulous to place. I did get some positive criticism about my turn out which I know has been lacking. I'm going to take up ballet again to work on that. My hornpipe was a disaster. *nods* Though one judge placed me 4th. I had to dance alone and that was scary. After the right foot on my second step, my thighs were burning, they ached and I could barely dance. After my left foot I could barely feel my legs, I should have stopped, bowed out and left, but I struggled through the half step. My timing was iffy there, so I don't blame them for placing me 6th. I got a few more helpful comments on that one too. Overall, I'm not disappointed with my placement, but with my own performance. I know there wasn't much I could have done better, being sick, but I should have worked harder before. I'm going to work hard until April and I hope to catch a feis in California then. I was glad to get this one done and over with. You know how once you try something scary (like that evil roller coaster when you were a little kid?) you realize it's not that bad and you'll be able to do it? That's how I feel now. Ok enough of a ramble. Lindsay (Sarah's little sister) cleaned up, she got 4 firsts and 3 3rds, she's in prizewinner in almost all her dances and says she wants to be in prelim this year. I hope she does, she's an amazing little dancer with great extension and flexibility and I would die to have her double cuts.

I read the best book on the airplane. It's called Letters for Emily. I was bawling on the plane reading it. I picked it up at the bookstore because it looked interesting, if you want to read a touching book about life and the lessons we can learn from our parents and grandparents I recommend it highly. It reminded me of my dad's dad. He's got colon and prostate cancer and I don't think he'll be around much longer. My grandparents (on my dad's side) divorced when my dad was living away from home at 19. He was so angry with his dad that they rarely have spoken since then. I've probably met him 4 or 5 times in my life. I don't share the same bond with him as I did with my mum's dad. I hardly know him. But this was the story of a man who tried to send messages to his children after he had died. It wasn't brilliantly written, I doubt it will go on any best-seller list, but it was such a good story. *nods* That's all I have to say about that.

Sending in my hw today. *checks calendar* Thank heavens for leap day!
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