May 03, 2006 20:16
How can you accurately describe the Band trip? it's just not possible. people keep saying what did you do in cuba? How do you answer a question like that. we did everything and nothing and had fun and were sad and experienced incredible things but its just not something you can sum up. sure there are stories btu nothing does justice to the true amazing-ness of the band trip. It was wonderful. also, all everyone wants to know is who hooked up with who. like that's what defines the band trip. Really, who the fuck cares who hooked up with who. besides, its not like i got to hook up with anyone. bah. But still Cuba was amazing and it kind of sucks to be back. i am really excited to hear the cd though.
My mom is fucking driving me crazy. normally i can deal with her and we get along reasonably but we were talking today and she said something about party's and then she said something about my being too young. i will be 17 years old in 2 months, i'm moving out in a little over a year and really i'm pretty much self-sufficient. fuck her. she partied like there was no tomorrow when she was my age. pretty much all she does for me is my laundry because i'm not allowed to touch the machine because she thinks i'll brake it. of all the things my mother ever uses on me "your too young" has never ever ever been one of them. i fucking flipped out on her. crazy bitch. And she's so fucking naive. i hate her. i really do sometimes. i'm ashamed of her and embarrassed for her and i hate her sometimes.
I just want to scream right now. somebody save me. in fact i just did scream but it was at her. why is nothing ever good enough?
~5 minutes later~
i just got off the phone with my dad who pulled the EXACT same shit. are they fucking communicating telepathically even though they hate each others guts?
"i think your making the wrong decisions" "i think your heading down the wrong path" "you sound exactly like your mother"
well fuck you. Have my grades dropped? no. do i go to class? most of the time. and you think i do. am i still on the fucking conveyor belt? yes. so fuck off. i'm going to graduate i'm going to go to university i'm going to get a bunch of degrees and get a job and fucking wind up with a white picket fence just like you always wanted. so fuck off and leave me alone.
wow i didn't realize how angry i was until now. fuck.
sorry about the rant. it just kind of came out of me. why are computers so much easier to talk to then real people?