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teachm693 October 3 2023, 03:49:45 UTC
As long as people like Freeland sit in our Parliament and the majority of the members of Parliament keep being ignorant about History and follow slogans without a second thought, our Parliament will be prone to committing harmful, outrageous, and ridiculous actions.
There was one more person who applauded enthusiastically to the Nazi soldier and never expressed any remorse about that: it was President Zelensky. It is not a surprise for those who know about the situation in Ukraine from sources other than the mainstream Western media like CNN: for Zelensky and his government glorifying Nazis has become a routine. He was elected to Presidency by the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians, mostly the Russian-speaking ones, from Southern and Eastern Ukraine and to a lesser degree from other regions. They voted for him since he had promised to end the war in Donbass (which started in 2014, after the coup), to improve relations with Russia, and to stop the persecution of the Russian language and culture in Ukraine. After becoming President, he did just the opposite to his election promises. Now he is travelling around the word collecting money, mostly for military aid from the Western countries instead of making an attempt to sign a peace agreement, outright rejecting any chance for negotiations. As a result, more and more Ukrainians are getting killed every day.
And now Canada pledges another 650 millions of military aid, while the government has planned only meager 60 millions to “resolve”(?!) the housing crisis. Now let us ask: who is our Finance Minister? - Right! It is Chrystia Freeland, who has always kept the tax-payers amazed, not to say outraged by her actions since the first day on the job.
In conclusion I would like to note the following.
1. Instead of following slogans or jumping the bandwagon of any kind, our members of Parliament should form their own enlightened opinions and act based on their knowledge and principles. I realize that it will take them quite some time and effort to achieve such a state, but this is the only way they can fulfill their duties properly and avoid embarrassments similar to the one they had a few days ago.
2. The scandalous “accident” in the Parliament was not accidental: it is a result of the long-term complacency with whitewashing Nazi collaborators in Canada and “not noticing” of justification and even glorification of them in Ukraine. Those tendencies have become quite noticeable in Ukraine since 2005, and after the coup of 2014 they have become part of the state policies.
3. Despite some recent decline, especially under the current government, I believe, Canada can revive its democratic tradition and real humanitarian values. Concerning the support of Ukraine, Canada can help establish democratic institutions and implement federalization, which is a major precondition of Ukraine’s survival as a state. We should also help establish peace, instead of sending weapons.


profiless October 7 2023, 15:47:34 UTC
Поклон вам за вашу действенную гражданскую позицию.
Я по-соседки порылась на предмет сомнительного невежества, так как прекрасно помню, что примерно во время протеста тракеров канадцы вынудили Хрыстю убрать из ее социалки фото очередной коллективной украины, когда она в компании сторонников держалась за красно черный флаг.
То есть люди, которые игнорировали вопросы по Хрысте, ее деду и активной маме на время ее назначения, после того как им Хрыстя фонды заморозила за поддержку тракеров стали изучать этот персонаж.

Так вот, похоже легкие отношения с экс коллаборантами имеют давнюю историю, еще до комиссии Душеса, или как его.
Оказывается, это Британия после войны попросила Канаду и других членов доминиона это все принять и без особого vetting. Тогда достаточно было показать фашисткие татуировки, чтобы тебя признали антисоветчиком и безпроблемно пропустили.

То, что мы видим, очередное доказательство, что проиграла Германия, но не фашизм. Война перешла в другие формы


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