Because I'm still procratinating

Dec 07, 2006 17:50

Janet from work is scary when she's making cooing noises at you, at 545am.

The Meat in Burritos should be cooked. Raw is disgusting, even in dreams.

Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more "fun" the answers will be.

1. Who was your best friend?
I didn't have one, I had several groups of close friends with overlapping membership who all fitted into that category, but with each group I had a very different relationship. (My Tuba Boys, My AP kids, Don Lardo's Italian Mafia & The H-2 Crew)

2.What sports did you play?
Marched with the band. Other than that the only competitive thing I did was wrangling volunteers.

3. What kind of car did you drive?
One of the parent's for about half the year, whatever was free: The Green Honda Odyssey if it was a Tuba-mom day, the blue prius if Dad would let me, and sometimes joe's white moon-roof saturn if he could be convinced. For my birthday the parents bought me Leo, the used Honda Accord that I have now.

4. It's Friday night, where were you?
At a football game with the band, at a school play with my friends in it, watching tv at home with my family or at our bowling alley and the local denny's, which, like purple one's, tried to be cool and had disco lighting and a DJ fridays after 9.

5. Were you a party animal?
I organized many geek friendly low brass/my friends parties involving swimming, DDR, pizza and snacks, and movies. I even organized one at Don Lardo's house (which was awesomely fitted out). But I didn't really party.

6. Were you considered a flirt?
Only by one.

7. Ever skip school?
AP kids at my school didn't skip school, we took "mental health days" which were days when a parent called you in sick and you stayed home and did whatever homework it was that you'd omited to sleep the night before. Or you slept off the night before.

8. Were you a nerd?
I was a "Bando". Being a nerd was not frowned upon, so it wasn't an important grouping. I was in a lot of clubs, but I also skipped around to different groups at lunch... none of which were popular, I was still a dork, but point being I was not an outcast nerd.

Apparently 9 is taking a Senior Cut Day.

10. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Ha. No. Never was disciplined in HS.

11. Can you sing the fight song?
We didn't have words to ours (it's the uCLA fight song, with everything cut but "Fight Fight Fight!"). I can sing/play my part on tuba and sing the other melody/main harmony parts (not at the same time).

12. Who was your favorite teacher?
I had a lot. One of my very favorites, and the one I want to be like when I grow up, is Noreen Walton, who was like a mom, always made time to listen and was incredibly smart. Hanging out in her classroom after school was like chilling in the Salon's of France. The smart just seeped into everyone. It was awesome.

13. Favorite class?
AP English Lit. Aw-Yah. John Graber's class was always interesting, the homework was crazy, but crazy good, and the discussion was open and friendly. Group projects always looked fabulous and were interesting and I'll never forget presenting an empty Ice cream cone as representative of Albee... and getting an A for it.

14. What was your school's full name?
Poway High School. Boring, but were were there first.

15. What was the mascot?
The Titans... which should have been awesome, but was made lame by Tommy and Tina Titan, and the cheap ass mascot outfits.

16. Did you go to Prom?
Yeah, with Bill, you later was my thirty minute boyfriend. I was not a nice person. He was wonderful, but he was also twitterpated, while i was not. Thus I spent much time trying to find other friends to talk to. But there was a cappichino machine. And I looked fabulous.

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
I miss it, but I know better than to think that it would be the same. Everything that I know would ruin it, and I don't have the stamina or the patience anymore to be that insane.

18. What do you remember most about graduation?
Hearing graduation speeched for the fourth time and My tuba babies! The Band always plays, and they cheer for their seniors, if they like them. I didn't think that I'd get anyone but my babies, but the whole band cheered. I felt warm and fuzzy. And afterwards we went over there to take pictures.

19. Favorite memory of your Senior Year?
There are many. a brief montage: Band Awards getting "Band Mom" and having everyone be so cute about it. Arm wresting in Wind Symphony. Graber's Class with my friends. The Band mom's at Poway's Festival of Music. Going down the green river with Venture Crew. And the entire week of the fires, because it was an actual "adventure": Mom making Spaghetti and Meatballs while the fires got closer, Joe and I going back in after we were evacuated to get Bridget's stuff and my Band shoes, the endless circle of telephone calls to see if everyone was alright, and the Halloween role-playing party in a box that Ev threw at the end of the week, since there was no school.

20. Where were you on senior skip day?
At School. Our admin was assinine about that for some reason, and anyone who missed school that day had to have a very pushy parent or a note from a doctor. it didn't help that our day was derived from a several very strange formulas, so we weren't organized enough to protest.

21. Did you have a job your senior year?
No, but I ran a reading lab out of a classroom at school, was tuba section leader/psychologist, was president of a club, and was stage manager for the festivals

22. Where did you go most often for lunch?
We ate in H-2, the ever awesome Profe Gil's Room. It was great, she was nice and had a couch and a microwave and cheap soda and fought the principal for us after they said no more eating in classrooms. :D. Off Campus, we'd eat at the Taco Shop. I think it was called El Ranchito, but we just called it Taco Shop.

23. Have you gained weight since then?
Yes. But I'm now much less of a perpetual motion machince, so what would you expect?

24. What did you do after graduation?
Went to grad night and almost immediately launched into precamp at Girl Scout camp.

25. When did you graduate?

26. Who was your Senior homecoming date?
I didn't go, we may have had a band event, or I may have been sulking, and I know I didn't have a date. Boys and me didn't go together romantically through most of high school. I was busy, frumpy, and sustained no crushes on pursuable objects.

27. Are you going to your ten year reunion?

28. Who was your home room teacher?
... I lived in Profe's, Walton's, and Graber's classrooms, and the bandroom. I stored enough in the bandroom that it has been called my home. I even took naps there in the afternoon.

29. What music did you listen to?
The Radio alot. Country, and Star, 94.5 (I think...). I also listened to a whole lot of soundtracks (LOTR, Harry Potter, etc) and whatever the tuba's put on.

30. Who will repost this?
I anticipate nothing.

Good luck with finals, those of you taking them.

high school, dreams, work

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