Our story so Far... As James climbed further into the tunnel he felt the walls pressing against him. Fortunately James' Twelve year old frame was perfect for the smaller tunnel so he pressed onward. Behind him James could here some more scuffling as one of the other boys climbed in behind him. Now James would never admit that he was afraid of anything but hearing that someone else was in the tunnel with him did make him feel a lot better.
The air in the tunnel was getting cooler. But that was to be expected. From the movies that James had seen he knew that the farther into the earth you climbed the colder it was. He wondered if this were a coal mining shaft or even a diamond mine. He could stumble onto some precious gems any moment he though. Remembering other movies he'd seen he knew that you could cut yourself on diamonds so James began to put his hands and knees down gingerly to reduce the risk of getting cut up.
Up ahead james could see some light. Unfortunately this wasn't going to be a diamond mine after all. But James wasn't about to cry about it. He crawled ahead the the exit at the other end. He realized the exit was smaller than he was. Taking out his trusty pocket knife james pried at the rock around the exit. Fortunately for him the exit didn't collapse. (although years from now James would think back and wonder if things would have been better if it had collapsed and he'd been forced to go back out the way he came in.) Once he'd opened the aperture enough he squeeze through. Taking stock of his surroundings James noticed he'd ended up at the local park. Nothing exotic here after all.
It looked like it was going to rain. Everything had that washed out look to it. James could hear the other boy coming out behind him. James turned around.
"Hey let's go have some fun and sneak up on the other guys. We can make our voices all deep and tell them we're the police."
Without waiting James trotted off the the abandoned house and the broken porch. He scrambled up the the edge and with a deep breath said "HEY YOU KIDS." He looked into the hole to see their faces as they swung around but instead he saw....