Jul 23, 2003 12:17
Love vs. Lust(Infatuation)
1. Leaps quickly into bloom and can die just as fast.
2. Stems from a desire for self-gratification.
3. Can cause loss of appetite and make it difficult to concentrate or study.
4. Can make you irritable and short-tempered with members of your family.
5. Involves a lot of sexual excitement.
6. Lacks confidence and breeds jealousy.
7. Makes you miserable when your partner is away. You worry about his or her heart turning to
someone else.
8. Causes disagreements and impatience with the partner's point of view.
9. Brings feelings that you must marry right away. You can't wait- you don't want to take the chance
of losing him or her.
1. Takes root slowly and grows with time.
2. Brings a deep concern for the welfare of the loved one.
3. Is constant, even in the face of misfortune that may take away the loved one's statue or
4. Enables you to be sensible about diet and rest. You study or work harder because you want to
do and be your best.
5. Makes you realize that sex is only a part of love. Your partner doesn't ask you to be immoral or
to do something that would bring serious consequences.
6. Enables you to have fun together without relying on sexual excitement.
7. Occurs when you are good friends before you are "in love".
8. Means trust. You are calm ,secure and unthreatened, even when the person is away.
9. Enables you to wait and plan; miles don't separate you