May 07, 2006 12:14
Well... I just got back from Southeast Sectional Championships... I fenced decently in the pools but I ended up with a low seat in the DEs, 30 out of 42 I think it was. I fenced my first guy, kicked his butt, he was a lefty and a little tricky at first, but I still won. Then I turned in my papers and I find out that the next person I am fencing is Jordan Herrin... The 2nd overall seat in the tournament and a REALLY good fencer. I kinda wondered about the bout, but still knew I could win. Well... after a lot of waiting we got called, and up on the strip. The action starts, we have a few conversations back and forth with the blades(conversation: In a fencing bout, it is usually generalised as contact between two fencers, attacks, counterattacks and parries), but no points were scored. Still 0-0 and we've been going for about a minute I lunge, he blocks with his bellguard and then BAM, my blade breaks... poor number 2 it was my good stiff blade. I switch weapons and Herrin talks about how he was glad that wasn't inside him, cause it would hurt. I agreed and we were done testing my new weapon and we got started again. A short conversation and then BEEEEP, Herrin flicked me under the hand and he is up 1-0. He gets a couple of flicks off, and then I start scoring points. He figured me out and adjusted faster than I figured him out, so when the first period was over he was up 14-6 or so in a 15 touch bout. I just told myself "one touch at a time" and we got started. I finally figured out how to beat his flicking, I score a couple touches on his flicks and shut him down. Then he goes for my foot and I get him in the mask, he quits doing that. I had now come back 5 touches to none and the score was 14-11. We go back and forth, he had changed it up again so I was trying to figure him out, then he fleched... double touch. Bout is over 15-12 with about 15 seconds left in the 2nd period. I lost, but I was happy because I fenced well. And there were about 20 people watching the bout, one of them comes up and tells me, "wow... you did MUCH better than everyone thought you would.", which made me happy aswell. Everyone thought I would get pounded into the dirt, and then I made Herrin work for it, and almost came back. I felt good about how I preformed in that DE, cant wait to fence him again. ON TO MORE PRACTICE!!!
Jordan Herrin ended up winning the tournament, he didn't get his A because one of the other As got knocked out before the top 8, that sucks for him.