No More LJ.

Feb 11, 2006 21:22

This hurts to say this, but as of today, Saturday, February 11th, 2006, I will no longer be updating this LiveJournal.

After 2 years and 18 days, 555 entries, 867 posted comments and 1163 received comments, it's time to call it quits.

But make no mistake about it, I really enjoyed having a LiveJournal. In the time that I had this, I saw the best movie of all time (MIRACLE), witnessed the first NFL dynasty of the 21st century (the New England Patriots), got a 1980 USA Olympic hokcey jersey, got my driver's license, got my first cell phone, got my first job (DQ), got my first & second gf, and did lots of other great things.

It's hard to let this go, because I feel like I'm losing a piece of who I am. LiveJournal has always been the place I can release my innermost feelings and emotions, and talk to lots of great people just like me. But now, it is time for me to move on to better things.

To all those who still wanna know who I am, just visit this link. It will take you to my MySpace page. That will be my domain from now on.

I'd like to say thank you to all those who commented to me on this to help and support me. You have all become my closest friends. I love you all.

Once again, thank you to everyone. And especially, thank YOU, LiveJournal!

Hasta luego, amigos.

Do You Believe in Miracles? I DO.
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