(no subject)

Oct 02, 2008 01:26

So, new computer. It's awesome. Incredible. Probably the second best thing going on in my life right now.

It's a little black MacBook, with enough storage room for all my music. I've downloaded a word processor (the Mac version of Open Office) a new browser (the Mac version of Firefox) and an IM program (much better than the Mac version of AIM, though it does scrunch up my screenname), and I'm totally happy with it. I can't wait to have actual free time to play around with some of the programs that came installed on it (including Garage Band and iMovie).

I mentioned when I ordered it that it came with an iPod. That gadget is an iPod touch, and although it doesn't hold half of my music in its 8GB, it has been a great thing to have these last few weeks. Coolest part about the iPod? It gets WiFi! I can check my email on my mp3 player. Unbelievable.

What else is going on? The HCGTMB played my arrangement of Disturbia this afternoon, and people seemed really excited about it. That was cool. In Chapel Choir, I'm back to singing bass, because a few extra freshmen tenors have been coming lately. I'm excited about that, too. I even cantored a few weeks ago.

Last entry, I promised a review of the seminar with John Ashcroft, and I could tell by all your comments that you were all really excited to hear about it. He really is an intelligent man. It was especially interesting to hear him defend his positions and the actions he took as Attorney General, because he rationalized everything in such a way that you were almost forced to agree with him. Though, he did this by selectively choosing his evidence and flatly ignoring the rest. For example, he spent a good 15 - 20 minutes discussing how the current administration has not abused the additional powers given to it by the PATRIOT ACT because there has been no trail of victims (though This American Life did a whole episode on people who were victimized by the Act). I asked him, "Even if this administration has not taken advantage, don't you think the extra powers have set a bad precedent for future administrations?" He asked, "What extra powers?" even though he had just used the phrase in the answer to the previous question. That was his biggest gaffe of the day, but all-around, it was a very interesting seminar.

These last few weeks. They've been good. No, very good. Bordering on great. That's all, really.
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