CNN had a segment tonight on the Pope's recent comments on Islam. First they show the Pope speaking at a German university, where he says "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Then they point out that the words weren't his -- he's quoting a Byzantine emperor. Cut from there to international reaction, people marching, burning effigies, etc.
At no point do they discuss why he was quoting the book.
WTF? I just quoted it -- hell, CNN quoted it. Will the Muslim world be furious at them? From what I saw on the news, it could be that the Pope was quoting that to disagree with it, explain that it arises out of ignorance and/or the Emperor's particular situation (i.e. the Muslims who were besieging his city), and make a plea for understanding (this is not the case, but it could be for al the news told us).
Fortunately, I had seen the quote in context
here, on our very own livejournal.
To put it more briefly: Livejournal provides better quality news than CNN.
Here's mainstream media giving context. The best news available in America is found via the internet, at sites that end .uk.