Plush, Figures, Misc Post

Oct 22, 2021 17:01

Lugia Paki-Paki Plush-$25
Really love this guy but I dont have the space anymore :( hes a little loved but I cleaned him.

MWT Thai carrot taniya litten plush-$32

Happy! Mascot plush Mwt-$20 each
(Available- Both pikachu, igglybuff)

Brand new desktop rement- $12 each (avalible- Scorbunny)

Bewear rement terrarium(has paint scuffs on top part as shown)-$5

Dx moltres kid-$5

Bandai kids figures-$2.50 ea (available- Jolteon, barboach)

Misodo Sobble figure-$3

Clear tomy(celebi has base I just forgot it in this photo-$6 ea (available celebi)
Shaymin figure-$4
Corphish bandai footprint figure-$3
Bottlecap figures-$2 ea (avail-bonsly, mime jr)

$3 ea


Mewtwo taiwanese eraser-$12

Strapless mascots-$1.50 ea (avail-shaymin)
Pokedoll dialga figure-$15

Metal figures- $9 ea (avail-2 feebas, 4 luvdisc,1 nosepass, 2 wynaut. Please specify which color you would like.)

Pokelid chansey and heracross badge-$7

With you Badges-$3.50 ea (avail- goodra, oshawott)
Fanmade quilava badge-$2
Flareon pokemon center pin-$7
Crying bonsly pin-$3

Korean slowpoke strap-$6
Liquid filled darkrai keychain-$2
Spinarak medal swing-$3
Slowking charm-$3

Decochara seal holder w/ shaymin and giratina-$4
Mew, bonsly and mime jr pen-$5
Horsea stamp-$3
Volcanion coin-.50c
Jolteon pracoro flats and plastic thing-$2

Tissue packs-$1.50 ea (avail- lapras, articuno, cubone)
GoodGood Smile pocket towels-$5 ea (avail- cinderace/inteleon, pikachu/eevee)

Retsuden stamps (mostly dried out but you can fix them with some ipa or glycerin)-$3 ea (avail- swalot, quagsire, numel, diglett, cacturne, forretress, alolan meowth)

Dirty retsuden stamps-$1 ea (avail- illumise, nuzleaf, lairon, ninjask)

Spinner ddakji-$3 ea

Round holo ddakji-$2 each

Paper ddakji holders-Free! These are great if you like to display ddakji on a shelf. I have a load of mini ones and 2 regular sized.

Korean pencil caps-$1 ea (note-if these dont sell I will be using them since I need pencil caps)

Thai plastic coins-$3 ea (avail- 3 chesnaught, chespin, 2 amaura, helioptile, mega mawile, bergmite, avalugg, mega medicham,xerneas, malamar, flabebe, phantump, 2 frogadier, Gourgeist, tyranitar, aggron, fletchinder

Othello board game chips-$2 ea (avail- lapras, eevee, buxish, froakie, chespin, drampa, grubbin, cutiefly, pikipek, vikavolt)

Taiwanese magnets-$5 ea (Sold-silvally, type null, bewear)

Pika taiwanese magnets-$3
Logo magnet fwp

Picture to show holo better and size.

Plastic playing blocks-$6 ea (pikachu and pokeball ones are free.)
Taiwanese magnets-$4 ea (Sold-hawlucha) (pikachu are $1 ea)
Flareon and vaporeon offical taiwanese badges-$8 ea
Corphish best selection taiwanese tretta-$3

Probiotic gummies-$1 for 10 or whatever, I have so many plz get them out

Pokemon center mimosa clips-$4 each or all for $9
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