(no subject)

Aug 22, 2008 07:21


[ ] short
[ ] 5′4″-5′5″
[ ] 5′5″-5′6″
[x ] 5′6″-5′7″
[ ] 5′8″-5′9″
[ ] 5′10″ and up

Your confessions:

[ ] I'm afraid of silence
[X] I am really ticklish
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark
[ ] I've collected comic books
[X] I sometimes shut out others
[X] I open up to others TOO easily
[ ] I read the newspaper
[X] I love Disney movies
[ ] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[ ] I am a sucker for a gorgeous smile
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[X] I bake well
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class
[ ] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[X] I love to laugh
[x] I can't swallow pills
[ ] I bite my nails
[ ] I play computer games when I'm bored
[x] I have gotten lost in the city
[ ] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[ ] I have made out in an elevator
[ ] I have been skydiving
[ ] I have been bungee jumping
[X] I have bitten someone
[ ] I have egged or T.P.ed a house/car
[ ] I have smashed a car
[ ] I have been fired

Have you ever…

[X] seen a shooting star
[x] joke proposed to anyone
[X] gotten stitches
[X] eaten Sushi
[X] gotten the chicken pox
[X] Ridden in a taxi
[x] Been on a cruise ship
[x] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[X] Been on a plane by yourself
[x] had surgery
[ ] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[X] been on stage
[x] gotten a black eye
[x] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[x] watched an entire baseball game

Do you like…

[X] old movies
[X] musicals
[X] blasting music in your car
[X] foreign foods
[ ] Gameboy
[ ] Christmas time
[ ] doughnuts
[X] animals
[X] coffee
[X] tea
[X] summer
[X] winter


Two Names You've Gone By:
Gretchen, Gretty

Two things you are wearing right now:
Tank top, stretchy pants

Two places you want to go on vacation:
Barbados, Italy

Two things you are thinking about now:
Work, sleep

Two favorite dogs:
Caleb, Luca

Two reasons you're doing this survey:
Procrastination, curiosity

Spell your name without vowels:

How many pairs of jeans do you own?:
5? I only really wear 1 or 2

What color(s) do you wear most often?:
Black, red

What's for dinner tonight?:
Probably jalapeno pizza and wine

Are you happy with your life right now?
Getting there

{Do you own a…}

- PS2: No.

- XBOX: No

- PSP: No

- Gamecube: No

- Digital Camera: Yes

Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle?:

How do you make money?:
I learn how to/provide orthotic devices (like cranial remolding bands)

Last thing you bought?:
Coffee, pumpkin, olive oil, broom all together (thank you, Cost Plus World Market)

How's the weather?:
Hot and sunny, hot and sunny, hot and sunny

Do you own big sunglasses?:
I do--- I wear them A LOT. I've given in.

What should you be doing right now?:
Getting ready for work

Who did you hug today?:

What color shirt are you wearing?:
White tank

Name one thing that you do everyday?

What is the color of your bedroom walls?:

How much cash do you have on you right now?:
In my pjs? Nothing.

What's your favorite sport?:
Right now, rodeo

When was the last time you saw your dad?:

What did you have for dinner last night?:
Scrambled eggs and fake bacon

Look to your left, what do you see?
Window blinds

Do you have plants in your room?:

What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
Tall nonfat peppermint white chocolate mocha (for special occasions)

Recent time you were really upset?
Last week?
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