May 03, 2005 16:02
Ok, so I realize that it is exam time, a period that is-by definition-shitty and stressful. I realize that when you procrastinate as much as I do, you are doomed to hate exam time even more. But exams and papers I can handle (though generally they get handled at the last minute).
What I cannot handle is getting some freaky virus thingy that is making my nose run and my throat hurt like hell, and made me spend 2 hours in the health center (a place I DETEST) yesterday waiting for the nurse to tell me to take Advil.
What I cannot handle is waking up at 3 AM with a horrible dull ache in my eardrum that can only signify a wonderful, fun ear infection. It hurts so badly that I cried for the next three hours because I am so stressed out about my papers/exams/whatever and because I can't sleep because it hurts.
What I cannot handle is getting in my car today to head to the health center for the SECOND time in TWO days and Petsmart to get flea medicine for my cat (who doesn't fucking go outside! How the fuck did he get fleas?!), only to find that my car will not start, even after much urging. The radio and headlights come on, so the battery isn't dead, but when I try to crank it nothing happens.
What I cannot handle is that I have to drive said car 1400 miles in exactly one week. And I obviously cannot take it anywhere because it won't start. And I have to go to campus tomorrow to turn in a paper and I have no way to get there if my car is not working, not to mention getting to all my other exams.
What I cannot handle is one more fucking thing right now. If one more bad thing happens to me, I'm pulling the plug.