So I had a pretty crap day the other day, I did pretty badly in an exam that I had not studied enought for (aparenlty). And since, sadly, uni is my whole collective life right now, I was pretty crushed (I know how stupid) However, as I rode back home and kept on feeling crap, I got home and my dad was siting in the living room and a movie had just started, and he asked me 'What is this one called?' All that could be seen was drops of obviously fake blood dripping down the screen so I thought '80s movie'. Ohhh and it was.. The title came up and I couldnt believe it!
It had been tooo long since I'd seen Chucky in action and it was like a big sign from the sky (Batman like) saying 'cheer up things could be worse..Chucky is on!' I felt so good after that I didnt want it to end. How could you want a movie that has a possesed doll as a main character to end? So I watched for what seemed too short, how Chucky terrorized the children and somehow the adults. Now that Im older to understand that this is in fact a 10 inch doll, it stikes me as odd how he managed to get to attack the adults. Surely my querry was answered when every single adult he went for seemed to misteriously fall or trip before he would get them, so that they could be conviniently at his stature. Its so good.
When this ended I felt a void like never before I was so sad, went to the kitchen to fill the void with jello. Changed to channel and there it was my sign saying 'Dont feel bad.. there's always awesome movies to make you feel better' becuase this was just starting...
I had actually never seen this, ohh and it was so good and worth the watching Im thinking of buying it. I will tell you this... there is a scene in this movie were the main priest tries to put out a small fire with someones crutches! Yes, he pounds the hell out of that fire. Misteriously its put out. He then claims to have flown to Africa on the back of a moth with the help of the devil. And all throughout the movie Linda Blair is not actually possesed at all! No possesion.. no actual exorcism! In fact I believe it would be accurate to say that her only lines in the script are saying 'PAZUZU' over and over again.
It made me so happy though, and for that Im thankful to the manic depresive priest.
It's days like these I wish my life was a movie with many horrible looking sequels.