Jun 04, 2008 17:56
Dear LJ Friends,
It has been a very long time since I've updated this. We still don't have the internet and I'm sure we won't get it as long as we are poor. I finished my class and I have no idea what grade I got because he accidentally gave me an F. How does that happen? I have to call him tomorrow.
Rowan turned 6 months on the 24th. She is 16 pounds and I have no idea how long she is, but we will find out on the 11th when she goes to get her shots. She isn't scooting or anything yet. Whenever I put her on her belly, she just immediately rolls over. I don't mind though because that means that I still have a little while to enjoy not chasing her everywhere. She says "mamamama" and can sit very well on her own but she falls over when she gets distracted by toys that are far away. She has been eating her vegetables and is usually indifferent to them at first, but then will open her mouth and wait for a bite after the first few bites. She has lost most of her hair except for a little bit on top, and the little mullet part in the back. She has a mohawk/mullet. Oh, my little fashion-forward baby. The song "Old McDonald" is her favorite thing in the world. We have a little hand puppet with all the animals and she gets so excited. She is absolutely gorgeous, but of course I am biased. She's started waking up in the middle of the night again and sometimes even wants to nurse. Do any of you mama's have advice for this? I think it's just because of the separation anxiety that she has and I know that bad sleeping habits start at 6 months. I know she is starting to manipulate us because she knows that I will wake up and bring her to bed with me.