Jan 29, 2008 19:09
Holy cow, Rowan is getting so big. She doesn't fit on my lap so well anymore=(. She just outgrew a lot more clothes. We went and bought some 3-6 month clothing, and she's already going to be out of one the sleepers that we got her soon. I'm really excited because I bought her two pairs of Babylegs from Etsy today. I have a feeling that it's going to make changing her diapers much, much easier. Obviously it's not difficult now, but it is a pain to put her pants back on when I am half asleep. She had a pretty upset stomach yesterday, and cried off and on(but mostly on) from about 5-11. The only thing that would calm her down was nursing her, or me rocking her back and forth. She was terribly unhappy when Drew was holding her. Doesn't it make you feel so hopeless when your child isn't feeling well? It's one of the worst feelings in the world.
Ugh, so I went back to school today. That class is full of hicks and people that are totally immature. Seriously, it makes me feel like I'm 14 again. I wasn't aware that people still tried to turn everything you say into something sexual. I am so happy that I only have to go once a week.
So, I am having major issues with wanting to spend money. When I actually had a job, I rarely ever wanted to spend and was so good about saving money. Now that I'm not working and don't have much money saved at all, I just want to spend, spend, spend. It's really horrible. I am hooked on looking at etsy, for reals. It's an addiction. Somebody hide my credit cards, pls.