Despite wats happening to my LJ's post, would like to share wit u guys this great performance of Tsubasa SLAVE OF LOVE in SCP061119 !!
Gorgeous performance!!This is the first time i watched JE guys performing wit other gurls on the same stage eh..
Great choreography there.. DEFINITELY worth to check it out if u like catchy song!!
Teaser: LOVE
feat : MAD + T-GIRLS yo
He is definately a great dancer..RABU~~!!
DownloadHereWithSS DownloadHereWithMU EDITED ON 21 Dec
EDITED on 12 Feb 07
Anyone would like to have SLAVE OF LOVE in romaji lyrics, plez head on to aso0omy_chan's lj. She did a fabulous job on translating those *claps claps*
soOo Tsubie RABU leave some love here for this fabulous performance by Tsuba..*chuuuuu from him if u dloading it*