hey nicole! lol i kinda journal-jumped to your LJ hahaha. and this caught my eye! ZOMG love it!!! that's tooo awesome <3333 and omg the date...that's my b'day hahah! don't change it!! lol
aww. i just replied someone here and i saw your comment. *hearts everywhere* you mean 9/22 is your birthday or 9/30?? thanks for bumping onto my lj tho. *hugss* i love your icon ^^
ah..9/22 is a BIG BIG day!! you are so lucky you were born on that day~~!i might need to change it since this post effected my recent posts not showing up on my friends' flist. idk D;
yeah of course you can add me.what do u mean.*huggles* let's be friends and be crazy na.*hugss*
xDDD when's your b'day? OMG kj2...i've downloaded it but haven't watched it. BUT i saw lawi chan's screencaps which were absolutely HILARIOUS <333 hahahah omg Maru's outfit O__O lol
you mean 9/22 is your birthday or 9/30??
thanks for bumping onto my lj tho. *hugss*
i love your icon ^^
btw do you mind if i add you as a friend?
yeah of course you can add me.what do u mean.*huggles* let's be friends and be crazy na.*hugss*
thank yooou...added~~ *huggsss* hehe. yep we'll totally spazz about sexy Maru hahahh and Ryo-chan and ALL of K8 xDDD
1. subaru's bday.
2. eito anniversary!~
3. ryo's nephew's birthday.
so you are sooo lucky ne XD
yea i heard from my friend that my posts are not showing D; i don't know.
now i bet everyone is spazzing about kj2!! i love the boys ALOT.
omg is 6/6 already! yeh!!!
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