Was your year successful?

Dec 31, 2008 08:23

On this last day of the year, I, like many others, was looking back at what I accomplished and what I didn't.

The excruciatingly long list of Stories-In-Progress left me feeling a little forlorn until I asked myself, is that really what's important.

The answer, naturally, was NO!

So, sorting through my ideas of what is important and what is not, I came up with a list and figured if I could answer yes to these questions, it was a successful year:

1) Did you make someone smile?
2) Did you make someone laugh?
3) Did you help someone in need?
4) Did you comfort someone hurting?
5) Did you let those you love know you love them?
6) Did you offer to listen to another's troubles without recounting your own?
7) Did you bring someone peace, or at least offer them a break?
8) Did you take joy in the world around you?
9) Did you give time or money to charity?
10) Did you take a moment to be kind to yourself?

The way I figure it, if I can answer yes to all these questions, then it was a good year. For me, it looks like 2008 was a success. :-)
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