got throwed at maddy's last night

Jul 03, 2004 05:15

oh yes... another night of bliss at maddy's house. i rode the train to mockingbird since i dont have a car right now, and maddy picked me up. then we went and pickd up steffy. maddy's parents said that they wanted ME to drive us all home. how cool is that? somebody thinks i can actually drive... awesome. yah so then we bleached and diea maddy's hair. it looks so damn cute. then we got it krunk. hah. i had me a gin and tonic, then we got our smokey on. wow. its amazing how blazed i get after sharing one joint with 4 people. damn. then at like 12 maddy's dad drove us to cvs so we could get chocolate milk. holy god. it tasted soooooooooo good. a little thick though. i guess its cuase im used to drinking skim milk. but yah. so we munched and went outside so the hoodlums could smoke. i got so tired i just went inside and passed out on maddy's oh so comfortable black silk sheets :) yumm... then i woke up around 4 and nearly peed myself becuase i was all alone. so i got up and those biiiiitches had gone and left me in the room and went out to smoke. ugh. lord. i ate so much last night. i haven't really been eating too much lately, but i sure made up for it last night. i talked to jack last night. well i wouldn't really call it talking, becuase i have no idea what i said or anything. i just know that i talked to him becuase he called me today. i miss him. i haven't seen him since thursday :( oh well, i guess that how things go in these types of "relationships". two people with totally different lives, different friends, and conflicting scedules.
im dirty and i smell. im starting to get really tired of my hair. i want to cut it shorter and get low-lights. i have always thought that people with dark dark hair and light eyes are the most gorgeous people ever. im so jelous. so i want to try and achieve that look. becuase my look isn't really getting me anywhere.
i just started my period. F!
i went to the grocery store with my mom, and i picked up 3, yah i said 3, magazines with mary-kate on the cover. i read all of them too. but mainly i just like to look at the pictures. i cant believe how some of those gay tabloids are trying to say that she's doing cocaine. fuck that shit. i want to meet her so bad. that would be the fucking most exciting thing to ever happen to me. i wonder if i could just like randomly find her address and like show up at her house and confess my lover for her. lol. wow that makes me sound really stalkerish. oh well. you all know you love her too.
wow i could really go for some icecream right now... hmm i think i will.
i love how many comments i get. lol. i feel MUCHO loved...
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