TTMT #424 - June Busy June

Jun 06, 2017 13:20

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Hello, all! The last few weeks have gone so well over on Wordpress that I have decided to stop supporting & posting to the Livejournal group after the end of June. This was not an easy decision nor was it lightly made. I still feel very nostalgic about Livejournal, but the more weeks that pass, the more it is obvious to me that LJ is a sadly neglected platform that is no longer the best choice for our community.

As I say in the video, I will not close down the community, but I myself won't be here after June. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you still need to be added as an Author to the Wordpress site

hp quilter, project of doom, wordpress, ufoqal2017, harry potter quilter, labyrinth quilt

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