TTMT #422 - A Little Further

May 23, 2017 12:52

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Talk to Me Tuesday on WordPress is LIVE!

Please let me know if you still need access to post by sending your preferred email address to All active TTMT members should have been invited to have Author status. Returning members just give me a head's up and I'll be happy to add you as an Author. New members will be invited to be Contributors (posting with moderation) until that member has posted a few times.

What do you think? Do you like the new website? Do you think we should make it our new home? Any problems? Thoughts? Suggestions? A couple of our previous members have told me that they stopped posting because they were having so much trouble with LJ. If I had known that, we might consider this sooner. There's no community without community members! As Bryan Adams once said, "everything I do, I do it for you!" If we decide to make this move official, I want to make sure each of you is comfortable before we do.

As an aside, WordPress calls all the authors of a site "Team Members." I really love that. ♥

In today's video:

spray starch, ppv2017, wordpress, paper piecing vintage, the linus connection

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