Nov 02, 2008 10:21

Yeah, like, I'm supposed to post the app here, right?

Character: Poland/Feliks Łukasiewicz
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character Age: Looks 19
Canon: Do you remember those history lessons back in school? It’s okay if you slept through them. Hetalia is all about making those history lessons so much more memorable by changing the countries into moe personifications of themselves based on national stereotypes. While the series started out being about the Second World War, it later expanded to cover more and more of the world’s history. Despite all the hardships of Polish history, Poland is easily one of the most fabulous countries.

Poland is in fact so fabulous that he talks with a valley accent and often cross-dresses, which is, like, totally cool. Poland never seems to think before he talks, which can get him in trouble with the other countries, but for some reason Poland always manages to come out fine from any situation. Poland can be shy around strangers, but can become really overbearing towards people he knows. He also relies a bit too much on Lithuania, since they were both former members of the common-wealth, and has a tendency to hide behind him when things get tough. Poland is very proud of his own country, though he can be a bit immature about it.

Sample Post:

Like, I’m totally not down with this!

Seriously, America, this place sucks to hold a world conference at. This Halloween theme is just, like, so gross. It’s so not in anymore with zombies like this, you know. Really, you should have gone with something cute and sexy instead. It would have been more rad, for sure. You should have gone with maybe nurse outfits; I could totally have sported that. If you go looking all sketchy like that, there’s no way you’ll get any candy, and that’s the whole purpose of Halloween, right?

Hey, you! I’m so talking to you right now, so listen t’what I’m saying! Yeah, you! The dweeb over there!, what kind of place in the middle of nowhere is this? Hey, it’s totes not cool to just ignore me! I’m talking to you and you should like, at least make an effort to listen. Cuz, you know, I’m really important on the world scene, okay? It’s not like I have Russia hanging over my back any longer, or Germany, or Austria, or Prussia, or… whateeeever! Hey, it’s totally not cool to drop your ears while I’m talking. If you’re gonna be like that just talk to the hand, cuz the face won’t listen.

So could anyone tell me where America actually is, cuz this is getting kinda lame. If this is some psych it’s so not funny anymore. I’m so, like, not scared or anything, but this place is just buggin’ me. So it would be all kinds of trippindicular if someone else than the zombie dweeb could tell me how to get out of this backyard. Like, have you realized what this moisture would do if it got to your clothes? To not mention the stench? I’m totally serious here.

Hey! Why are you poking me? I don’t wanna know your thoughts on yaoi! And you totally won’t find any ticky boxes on me! Geez, can’t you spell or something? It’s Pole and not poll, and no, you can’t see my serious pole. Are you even listening to me? Don’t you, like, try to forget me! Why, you say? Cuz I said so, and America did too!

And Votes went on here.
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