Echoing so many others, it was a good party, definitely put me in a good mood. We really should have more of those. I say whenever we need a party, we should just have one. And definitely a welcome to all new arrivals
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[Again, Glaukir doesn't even bother trying to lock them. He could maybe get it to thirty, and he just doesn't see the point in going through with the effort.]
[Remy was waiting at the bar, wine and liqueur ready. He was nervous about the meeting. If he'd say something wrong or if Glaukir would ask the wrong thing...he breathed deep to calm himself. They had been friends. There was no reason they couldn't get along now. Things would be fine. Things were always fine when they shared a drink]
[GLaukir wanders in, still barefoot and wearing the button-up shirt he appeared in. He's still not comfortable with just looting someone else's things for clothing, so he's taken to washing his clothes in his room.
Not paying for something feels too much like theft.]
[He watched him as he entered. It was him. Truly, honestly him and Remy can't help but smile as he offered a slight wave and motioned to the barstool opposite him.]
Father Khidamun.
[It was odd saying that, considering the last time he addressed him as such it was out of spite.]
How are are you?
[He starts to pour the drink the priest was here for.]
[His smile is soft as he watches Glaukir mess around with his bangs. He hadn't realized how much he missed him. He quickly goes back to the drinks. It's a simple recipe and so is already completed.]
I'm...I'm doing quite well actually. Here you go, Kir.
[He slides the drink to Glaukir and raises his own glass in a sort of toast.]
[This guy doesn't even know him, and he keeps using a diminutive of his name. It's... well, it's not upsetting so much as it's a little odd. Glaukir takes the drink and sips it, considers the flavour.]
... I like it. What kind of wine is this, in any case? It's nice and dry.
[Glaukir inspects the bottle, though the region the grapes were farmed and the year mean absolutely nothing to him. He sets it down on the bar quickly.]
[Again, Glaukir doesn't even bother trying to lock them. He could maybe get it to thirty, and he just doesn't see the point in going through with the effort.]
[There's a light chuckle]
The basic drink is white wine and a blackcurrant liqueur.
[If this is an invitation to hang out, Glaukir is all about it.]
[It's at least a reason to hang out. Remy feels he's ready to see him and they always got along when they drank together.]
[And Glaukir is out, sniffing for booze.]
[Remy was waiting at the bar, wine and liqueur ready. He was nervous about the meeting. If he'd say something wrong or if Glaukir would ask the wrong thing...he breathed deep to calm himself. They had been friends. There was no reason they couldn't get along now. Things would be fine. Things were always fine when they shared a drink]
Not paying for something feels too much like theft.]
Hello, Mr Whitecastle.
[He smiles and seats himself at the bar.]
Father Khidamun.
[It was odd saying that, considering the last time he addressed him as such it was out of spite.]
How are are you?
[He starts to pour the drink the priest was here for.]
[He blows a breath up to his bangs, then pushes them away from his eyes.]
And you?
[His smile is soft as he watches Glaukir mess around with his bangs. He hadn't realized how much he missed him. He quickly goes back to the drinks. It's a simple recipe and so is already completed.]
I'm...I'm doing quite well actually. Here you go, Kir.
[He slides the drink to Glaukir and raises his own glass in a sort of toast.]
... I like it. What kind of wine is this, in any case? It's nice and dry.
[He offered the bottle to Glaukir if he wanted to investigate more.]
The drink can also be done with sparkling wine, which is what the Kir Royale is.
[Remy takes a drink of his own glass. Not bad at all]
That is pretty good.
[Glaukir inspects the bottle, though the region the grapes were farmed and the year mean absolutely nothing to him. He sets it down on the bar quickly.]
So this is your bar, hm?
This is it. Pretty impressive, isn't it? It's got everything, even things I've never heard of until arriving here.
[His eyes flicker to Glaukir and he just can't help himself.]
Like snakewine.
[He can't help himself. Glaukir covers his mouth with his fingers and grins for a second, then drops the hand and leans in.]
Really? What kind?
Hold on.
[Downright giddily, he searches his bar for where he put the damn thing. Upon finding the jug he lifts it and sets it on the counter.]
I'm afraid I'm not too familiar. Only had it once and it's not my thing. You can tell me, I'm sure.
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