Jul 19, 2009 01:12
Who: Pete & Stu
When: November
Where: Kaiserkellar
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The following is entirely fictional. The characters involved are based on real people, but their actions in this scene do not reflect anything these people did in reality.
Summary: Pete and Stu finally get talking.
The next set was due in an hour and Pete still didn’t feel ready.
His kit was set up, his sticks were on the stool, he had enough cigarettes and money to get him through the evening but he was as nervous as teenager on their first date. He’d promised himself to make an effort with the lads, to sit with them after the show and have a pint. Get to know them, to brush off the bad sand which had gathered on top of them. Shakily he blew the stale smoke of his cigarette out before he lent heavily against the brickwork behind him. He’d have to suck it up though if he wanted to get paid. Take the remarks flung at him by Lennon, the odd uncomfortable looks he’d get off Paul and the occasional unsure glances from George and Stu. He’d have to take it all if he wanted to fit in and get paid.