Bush and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

May 22, 2007 21:20

So... I found this pretty interesting. Gordie sent it out in one of his many cool emails. It's worth reading even if you don't agree.

References to Bush's "delusions" have appeared in the mainstream media and throughout the
blogosphere. As a psychiatrist, I understandably get concerned when I see clinical
terminology bandied about in political discourse, and thought it might be of interest to
share a professional perspective on this question. I have a distinct clinical impression
that I think explains much of Mr. Bush's visible pathology.

First and foremost, George W. Bush has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What this
means, is that he has rather desperate insecurities about himself, and compensates by
constructing a grandiose self-image. Most of his relationships are either mirroring
relationships -- people who flatter him and reinforce his grandiosity -- or idealized
self-objects -- people that he himself thinks a lot of, and hence feels flattered by his
association with them. Some likely perform both functions. Hence his weakness for
sycophants like Harriet Miers, and powerful personalities like Dick Cheney. Even as a
narcissist, Bush knows he isn't a great intellect, and compensates by dismissing the
value of intellect ltogether. Hence his disses of Gore's bookishness, and any other
intellectual that isn't flattering him. Bush knows that his greatest personal strength is
projecting personal affability, and tries to utilize it even in the most inappropriate
settings. That's why he gives impromptu backrubs to the German Chancellor in a diplomatic
meeting -- he's insecure intellectually, and tries to make everyone into a "buddy" so he
can feel more secure.

The most disturbing aspect about narcissists, however, is their pathological inability to
empathize with others, with the exception of those who either mirror them, or whom they
idealize. Hence Bush's horrifying insensitivity to the Katrina victims, his callous jokes
when visiting grievously injured soldiers, and numerous other instances. He simply has no
capacity to feel for others in that way. When LBJ was losing Vietnam, he developed a
haunted expression that anybody could recognize as indicative of underlying anguish. For
all his faults, you just knew he was losing sleep over it. By the same token, we know
just as well that Bush isn't losing any sleep over dead American soldiers, to say nothing
of dead Iraqis. He didn't exhibit any sign of significant concern until his own political
popularity was sliding -- because THAT'S something he CAN feel.

Which brings us to his recent "delusion." To be blunt, I don't see any indication that
Bush has any sort of psychotic disorder whatsoever. The lapses in reality-testing that he
exhibits are the sort that can be readily explained by his characterological
insensitivity to the feelings and perceptions of others, due to his persistently
self-centered frame of reference.

Mr. Bush knows that things aren't going his way in Iraq, and he knows that it is damaging
him politically. He also sees that it is likely to get worse no matter what he does, and
in fact it may be a lost cause. However, he recognizes that if he follows the
recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, that Iraq will almost certainly evolve into a
puppet state of Iran, and given his treatment of Iran he will completely lose control of
the situation -- and he will be politically discredited for this outcome.
The ONLY chance that he has to avoid this political disaster, and save his political
skin, is to hope against hope for "victory" in Iraq. Advancing the "surge" idea offers
Bush two political advantages over following the ISG recommendations. One is that if it
is implemented, maybe, just maybe, he can pull out some sort of nominal "victory" out of
the situation. The chances are exceedingly slim, granted, but slim is better to him than
the alternative (none). Alternately, if the "surge" is politically rejected, he gains
some political cover, so when things inevitably go bad, he can say "I told you so" and
blame the "surrender monkeys" for the outcome. Most people probably won't buy it, but
some (his core base) will.

Now, I know what many of you are thinking -- is George Bush willing to risk the lives of
hundreds, maybe thousands more American soldiers, on an outside chance to save his
political skin, in a half-baked plan that even he knows probably won't work at all? Yes,
he is. Because George Bush is that narcissistic, that desperate, and yes, that
sociopathic as well.

Especially interesting about Mr. Bush, but quite common, Narcissistic Personality
Disorder is frequently associated with alcoholism. The insufferable "holier than thou"
attitude associated with "Dry Drunk Syndrome" is indicative of underlying narcissism.

Also, the way that Bush embraces Christianity is characteristically narcissistic. Rather
than incorporating the lessons of humility and empathy modeled by Jesus, Bush uses his
Christian faith to reinforce his grandiosity. Jesus is his powerful ally, his idealized
"buddy" who gives a rubber stamp to anything he thinks.

Finally -- and this will sound VERY familiar to many readers -- those persons with NPD
[Narcissistic Personality Disorder] are notoriously unable to say they're sorry.
Admitting error is fundamentally incompatible with their precarious efforts to maintain
their sense of order. Anyone having this particular character flaw almost certainly has

Professor of Sociology &
Faculty Associate, Institute for Policy Research
Northwestern University
1812 Chicago Avenue, room 108
Evanston, IL 60208
FAX: 847-491-9907
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