Title: Nick Stokes and the Key to His Salvation
Word count: 100
Fandom: CSI
Challenge: #040 - towels
Notes: This is bad!fic, seriously. Brought on by comments between myself and
tthjinni. I promise to write a proper entry when it's not gone midnight and I have some sanity.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters mentioned in this fic.
Summary: Um, this AV... I mean AU, I think? Anyway... there's Nic and Greg and Zander. Oh! And it's post season 3 in Buffy and post season 5 on CSI, you know... when all isn't happy?
Xander sighed as he wiped down the bar with a towel. He knew country music was supposed to be the music of pain, but this was eye-bleedingly painful. The singer might be hot, but even Nick couldn't get away with this.
At least it was his last night. Some guy had shown up, something about being the key to his salvation - and now Stokes was going back to his life of solving crime and the club was changing. As long as Xander never had to cover any shifts and the girls never, ever, found out that was just fine.