title: Just Details
word count: 200
fandom: Stargate
challenge: #34 - nightmares
summary: Vala reaps what she has sown.
disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not. I claim nothing but the plot.
notes: Spoilers for Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis through the first episodes of Seasons 9/2. Also, 10th in the Buffy/Daniel "
Ugly Black Dress" drabble series.
Daniel opened his eyes slowly, uncomfortably aware of the sounds and sensations of an infirmary around him. What nightmare had he awoken to this time?
He knew that tone; Buffy was on the warpath about something, but squelching it down so as not to worry him. "Buffy?" he replied, turning toward the sound of her voice.
She smiled at him in relief. "Welcome back," she said, warmly, clasping one of his hands in hers. "How are you feeling?"
He smiled softly in return. "Uh, fine, I think. So, what happened? Last thing I remember..."
"It was the bracelet," a crisp voice interrupted. "They're called kor'mak; they make the wearers ill if separated."
Daniel glanced behind Buffy, and blinked at the unexpected presence of Elizabeth Weir. And behind her, the wall-- this wasn't an infirmary after all; he was aboard a ship, probably the Daedalus. "Then how..."
"We hijacked her," Buffy answered, her smile turning feral. "If she wants to stay in this galaxy, she'll unlink you pronto."
"That isn't fair!" a peevish female voice exclaimed. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"
Daniel's smile widened. Not his nightmare, then. They were still en route to Atlantis; everything else was just details.
(x-posted to
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