title: They Talk Funny in Cleveland
author: lisa roquin
rating: more or less kid safe
crossover: Btvs/The Beverly Hillbillies
disclaimer: not mine. no harm intended no money made. just having fun.
wordcount: 200
author's note: tthdrabbles "back to school" challenge. Blame fully goes to looking at the ffa pairings and seeing Buffy/Jethro Clampett listed.
Jed Clampett shook his head as he hung up the phone. Seemed like a nice enough feller, even if he did talk funny. Maybe that's just the way folk talked in Cleveland.
"Who was that, Uncle Jed?"
"Mr. Giles from some fancy finishin' school in Cleveland. The Anya Jenkins School for Gifted Girls. They're a wantin' Ellie May to enroll. Ellie May, GIRL! Git on down here a spell!" Jed called up the stairs.
"Yeah, Pa?" Ellie May called loudly as she thundered down the stairs.
"Granny said she heard a crash in yer room"
Ellie looked down at the floor. "Yes, Pa"
"What was it?"
"I kicked the wall. Jethro made me so goldurned mad when--"
"Ellie May."
"Weren't my fault!" Jethro protested. "An' even if ya were mad at me ya didn't need to go kickin no hole in the wall"
"Woulda rather kicked a hole in yer thick head!" Ellie shot back.
"Settle down." Jed looked from one to the other. "Ellie May, one more hole in a wall and we're a gonna look into this boarding school"
"Yes, Pa"
"In fact, I'm going to call up the Giles feller and tell him we'll come look at his school